14 April 2005

Post tsunami update - Latest reports from divers

With many resorts undamaged or repaired local tourist workers are desperate for tourists NOT to cancel their holiday plans. Hoteliers say the only way they can continue to support local economies is if tourists return.

Every day they get new cancellations. Tour operators say about half of those with existing bookings have decided against travelling, offering a variety of reasons. Some feel it inappropriate to lie on beaches so close to the scene of human tragedy, others are concerned that bodies might be floating in the sea, or that staff at the hotels will be walking around with long faces.

Nothing could be further from the truth. Tourists will not see refugees in tents or families crowding around water pipes. The most noticeable difference from previous winters is that the hotels are less crowded and the atmosphere less “buzzy”.
BSAC Travel Club have set up a Tsunami Information Exchange to allow visiting tourists and divers to exhange information on which sites are unaffected. To find the latest reports from the official sources and from visiting divers click Here.

If you have holidayed or dived any of the Indian Ocean resorts and would like to tell other divers about what you found, please mail your report to tsunami@bsac.com

Please visit the BSAC Post Tsunami page for the latest information.


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