16 March 2006

Climate change - Our oceans and reefs are in danger

Global warming, CO2 emissions, pollution and climate change - call it what you will, our planet is suffering. Here are a few articles I found ralating to these issues.

CO2 emissions damaging seabeds
Carbon dioxide emissions in the atmosphere are harming the world's seabeds, stunting the growth of coral reefs because of rising acidity levels in the water, according to a study due out in Norway this week.
Source: cooltech.iafrica.com

Coral bleachings haunt the world's reefs
When marine scientist Ray Berkelmans went diving at Australia's Great Barrier Reef earlier this year, what he discovered shocked him - a graveyard of coral stretching as far as he could see.
Source: today.reuters.co.uk/news

Coral reefs stunted by too much pollution
Carbon dioxide emissions in the atmosphere are harming the world's seabeds, stunting the growth of coral reefs because of rising acidity levels in the water, according to a study due out in Norway this week.
Source: www.iol.co.za

Tower of London on climate list
UN experts are meeting to determine the risks which climate change poses to some of the world's special places. The UN's cultural and scientific wing Unesco says climate change threatens World Heritage Sites such as the Great Barrier Reef and the Tower of London.
Source: news.bbc.co.uk

Indian Ocean coral may die in 50 years - researcher
Rising sea temperatures caused by global warming could kill off the Indian Ocean's coral reefs in the next 50 years, threatening vital marine life, a marine researcher said on Wednesday.
Source: today.reuters.co.uk/news


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