Medical considerations for child and adolescent scuba divers
Worldwide, more than 1000 scuba (self-contained underwater breathing apparatus) diving injuries per year requiring hyperbaric recompression are documented. Approximately 80 to 90 fatalities per year are reported in North America.
On average, there were 16 diving injuries requiring hyperbaric recompression therapy in scuba divers aged 19 years and younger in North America between 1988 and 2002. The youngest injured diver was 11 years old, and the youngest fatality was 14 years old during this time period.
In the year 2000, certifying recreational scuba diving organizations lowered the minimum age to 8 from age 12 years for participation in the sport. We report a case of a highly trained adolescent scuba diver who, despite having advanced diving certifications, had 2 separate episodes of diving-related injuries requiring hyperbaric recompression therapy.
A discussion of medical considerations in the care of the child and adolescent scuba diver is included.
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Medical considerations for child and adolescent scuba divers