14 October 2005

Divers Click results 2005

The Winners of the first and only online voting system for Dive Centres World Wide has been announced. The team at Diversclick 2005 Award recently released the best 222 Dive Centres as voted by Divers Click visitors during the last 12 months.

Diversclick Award 2005 is in its inaugural year and proved to be a huge success, so much so that the creators have decided to make it an annual event. The 2005 award was totally independent and not for profit. It was a simple idea created by a few Diving Professionals that grew into a huge project. This project has meant many hours out of the water and on the computer for these normal everyday divers....but the success has made it all worth while.

Diversclick focuses on quality, customer satisfaction and the overall diving experience. It was never the intention of the creators of this award to award only, the biggest, or trendiest Dive Centres or Organizations. Rather, the idea was to give every Dive Centre World Wide regardless of size, number of divers certified each year, or amount of money invested in fancy websites and logos, an opportunity to be recognized based on their quality. After more than half million web hits, reviews from all corners of the world and support from many divers and dive centers, we can announce that the idea behind DiversClick has worked.

The importance of DiversClick award, is that for the first time, an impartial web based contest gives serious relevance to the topic of Quality in the diving industry. That's why the winners of DiversClick Award have been announced based on the quality of reviews received, but not the quantity of reviews, votes and hits received.

There have been over 8000 reviews received in under 12 months. These reviews have been written by ordinary everyday divers, or staff of resorts and dive shops. People have taken the time to sit down and tell us why their favorite dive centre should be recognized. It has been great to see reviews from first time student divers, as well as some experienced diving professionals. Each review was given equal consideration, making this a very long process indeed, considering that Divers Click Creators Group, consists of only 4 members.

The winners of Diversclick 2005 have been announced on Diversclick own website: www.diversclick.com , in this site, visitors may also find information about how the competition was run, how the winners were chosen and direct links to the winners websites.

The 2006 Award will start the 1st of November 2005 and it can only be bigger and better than the 2005 award. There have been a few changes and improvements made to the award for next year but overall the concept will remain the same....to award those dive centres and professionals who understand the importance of quality in our industry and strive to make it a priority.

Divers Click will continue being a nonprofit project aiming to applaud great Dive Operators and to highlight the importance of quality standards in the Diving and Scuba Industry.

Press Release sent by:
Divers Click Editorial Team
Rebecca Waymouth

Source: Rebecca Waymouth, www.diversclick.com


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